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(UK) Isle of Sheppey: Special school to open; councilor 'delighted'

July 21, 2020, Kent Online: Free school at former Danley Middle School site on Sheppey to be open by September 2022 (SE England)
Pupils are expected to walk through the doors of a new special free school on Sheppey in September 2022. The secondary school will be built on the former Danley Middle School site in Halfway Road and cater for 120 young people. It will be open to those who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties, including those with autism and communication difficulties…. "The new school will enable local children requiring a special school place to access suitable provision."… The need for a special free school on the Isle of Sheppey was identified by KCC in previous versions of its rolling Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent…. KCC’s cabinet member for education and skills, Cllr Richard Long (Con), said: "I am delighted The SABDEN Multi-Academy Trust has been appointed to run the new free special secondary school on the Isle of Sheppey and that building work will commence soon with the intention of opening this much needed provision in September 2022. "The new school will enable local children requiring a special school place to access suitable provision within their local community, enhancing their opportunities to develop social links and become more independent. "It will also help the County Council to ensure maximum effectiveness of High Needs budgets by reducing demand for SEN (Special Educational Needs) transport and independent provision…. The announcement of the sponsor and the intended opening date comes as the DfE revealed about 3,000 extra school places will be created across the country for pupils with the most complex needs.


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