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(UK) Wednesbury: New autism school for 90 students opens

Aug 17, 2021, PBC Today: Tilbury Douglas completes SEND school in Wednesbury

W. Midlands Tilbury Douglas has successfully handed over a new SEND (special educational needs) school at High Point Academy in Wednesbury, West Midlands The project, procured through the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) medium band framework, was delivered under the Department for Education’s free schools’ programme. The new two-storey building offers a specialist learning environment for 90 students, aged 11 to 16, with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), Asperger syndrome and a range of learning difficulties. Classrooms in the new building are designed to be safe and calming for pupils with severe autism and include a range of specialist rooms…. Commenting on the completed development, Simon Butler, managing director for Tilbury Douglas (Central), said: “High Point Academy is one of two of our SEND schools we are completing under the ESFA medium band framework, and I’d like to congratulate all of the teams involved on a brilliant, finished product…..


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