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(UK) Nottinghamshire: Students starting school lack basic skills

Jun 15, 2022, Nottingham Post: Some children in Notts can't say their own name or use the loo when starting school says headteacher

E. Midlands

A Nottinghamshire primary school headteacher said some children start school unable to say their own names, and half of pupils in reception and nursery are not toilet-trained....

... It comes as The Times Education Commission found British education is "failing on every measure", with 59 percent of parents with school-aged children believing schools do not prepare pupils for life, while 60 percent feel it does not prepare them for work....

Other recommendations the report makes are that every child should have access to a laptop or tablet, and that counsellors should be employed in every school. Teachers should have more training on how to identify pupils with special educational needs, while schools should remain accountable for pupils they exclude.

A Nottinghamshire head teacher told a study children didn't have basic skills when starting school (Image: Getty Images)


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