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(UK) Northampton: Demand for SPED plans "on the rise"; council struggles to keep up

Oct 5, 2023, Northampton: Mixed reviews as council launch new SEND strategy for children across West Northamptonshire

E. Midlands

More than 500 people turned out for an event organised by specialist education students, which outlines the priorities West Northamptonshire Council need to tackle, but some critics have labelled it a “PR strategy”.

The new programme was presented to the public on Tuesday, September 26, at Daventry’s iCon Centre. It was co-produced by over 800 people to examine the challenges across the system and increase demand for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) places.

Max Gibson-Daw, a student at Creating Tomorrow College, a specialist post-16 institution for young adults with SEND, was part of a team that worked with the council to plan the event and share the plan.

He said: “What if I told you I have ADHD, autism, a terrible memory, and I’m diabetic? But I’ve been able to start doing work experience and I even helped to set up and manage this event.

That’s why we put so much dedication into this kind of thing – I think that more people should actually believe in what disabled people can do.”...

The new SEND strategy highlights its key priorities in ensuring accessibility for all students, clearer communication with families, securing enough services and places, improving the identification and assessment of children, and preparing young people with specialist needs for adulthood.

The council has received positive reviews from people who attended the event, calling the day “informative” and praising the “inclusive” atmosphere.

However, some parents have been quick to call out the council on the new strategy for not doing enough and have voiced frustrations with the event....

Currently, the demand for SEND places and provisions in West Northamptonshire is on the rise, but the council is struggling to keep up. In the first quarter of this year, West Northants Council received 284 requests for Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP) – a document which describes a young person’s special educational needs.

The national timeframe for these plans to be completed is 20 weeks. However, only 7.8 per cent of these were completed within this time.

There was also anger at the money spent on merchandise at the event, with many parents sharing the opinion that it could have been used elsewhere in learning plans and children’s services.

An angry parent commented: “I have three failed children. I’ve been waiting to see the delivery for the past 10 years. Respectfully, the tote bag and balloons are not helpful and are indeed tone deaf!”

Councillor Fiona Baker, WNC’s cabinet member for children, families, education and skills, said: “We recognise that our SEND offer in West Northants has not been good enough and has needed to change.

“Although there is a lot to do, with parents, carers, and health and education professionals all working together as part of this new strategy we are determined to succeed and make positive change happen – alone we can do so little but together we can do so much.”


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