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(UK) Lincolnshire: New $119M special school to meet growing demand of more disabled kids

July 3, 2021, Lincolnshire Live: New school for Lincoln set to be built as part of £86m [$119M U.S. ] investment across county E. England

A new primary school with up to 130 places on the site of the former Usher Junior School in Lincoln is set to win planning permission. It is part of a major special educational needs expansion for Lincoln St Christopher’s School. Lincolnshire County Council’s Planning and Regulation Committee will be recommended to approve the authority’s proposals to build the new school on the Skellingthorpe Road site of Usher Junior School, which was demolished in 2012…. It is part of £86 million [$119M U.S.] investment across the county to improve Special Education Needs and Disabilities education. St Christopher's current capacity is 200 but it teaches 228 pupils supported by around 90 staff members. The revamp and build will see the total capacity increase to 333 across both sites – with around 70 staff at each location. The development forms part of the council’s plans to create more than 500 SEND places across the county, which is backed by an £86 million investment. An additional 111 places will be needed by 2023, the plans predict….


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