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(UK) Isle of Sheppey: 'Much needed' special school planned; officials very pleased'

Nov 20, 2021, Kent Online: First glimpse at how Sheppey's first special free school could look

SE England The first images of Sheppey’s proposed new special school - the first of its kind on the Island - have been released. If approved, the secondary will be built on the former Danley Middle School site in Halfway Road, Halfway, and cater for 120 young people. Run by The SABDEN Multi-Academy Trust, it would cater predominantly for those who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties including those with autism and communication difficulties. The school would be for 11 to 16-year-olds …. She said: “The new secondary free special school, being provided through the Department for Education (DfE), is much needed and we are very pleased that work on it is progressing…. While Sittingbourne has two special educational needs (SEN) schools; Meadowfield School and Aspire School, the need for a special free school on the Island was identified by KCC in previous versions of its rolling Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent.


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