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(UK) Hainault special school proposes increase from 64 to 80 places; "consequence of rising demand"

Dec 31, 2019, Ilford Recorder: Hainault school set to take on more special needs pupils A Hainault school could welcome 16 extra pupils from next September if proposals to increase its capacity are approved. It is proposed to increase the number of pupils at New Rush Hall School, in Fencepiece Road, from 64 to 80. New Rush Hall School is the only dedicated special SEMH (social, emotional and mental health) needs school in Redbridge, the council said, and therefore the new provision is expected to "relieve some of the pressure on places forecast to make its way through the system in the coming years". The places would be for pupils with SEMH needs and evenly split across the year groups. "The proposal has been formed in response to a growing demand for such places in the local area," the council consultation report says. "As a consequence of this rising demand, Redbridge undertook a High Needs Review, which recommended the creation of 140 new school places for pupils with special education needs and disabilities (Send), over the period 2018 to 2023. "The current proposal, therefore, forms part of a borough-wide expansion programme, aimed at providing sufficient Send school places to meet the current and projected future levels of demand."


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