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(UK) Dudley: New special (autism) school approved; $17M to serve 115 kids

July 27, 2021, Mirror: New £12 million [$17M U.S.] special school super-site in Dudley plans unveiled Central England A £12 million Dudley special school super-site which will serve 115 children has been given the green light. Dudley Council planners rubber stamped the proposal to create the Pens Meadow Special School and independent living centre on Tiled House Lane in Pensnett. The development will amalgamate Pens Meadow Special School's existing two campuses in the area - Ridge Hill, off Brierley Hill Road in Wordsley and the Tiled House Lane facility where the new building will be constructed. Pens Meadow provides education for pupils aged between three and 19 with complex needs, including autism and pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties…. "The aim is to construct an outstanding school fit for the 21st century, creating an environment that will provide the very best support for children and families for generations." In June, Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children’s services, said: "We are determined to do all we can to develop a child friendly Dudley, and support for children and young people with SEND is a vital component of this….


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