Jan 15, 2025, Daily Mail: Councils spending £2bn [$2.4B] to send special needs pupils to private schools
Councils are spending £2 billion a year to send pupils with special needs to private schools amid Labour’s attack on the sector, MPs have revealed.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) found spending has increased by 46 per cent in just four years, highlighting the state’s ‘reliance’ on private schools.
The committee said councils are having to fund places at private schools for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) because of a lack of ‘capacity’ in the state sector.
Even the Labour-run Department for Education (DfE), two months ago, admitted that private schools ‘have a role to play’ in educating those with SEND, the report said.
The wide-ranging PAC report highlighted the ‘chaotic’ and ‘unviable’ SEND system and warned many families are unable to access the help they need.
And it warned many children with education, health and care (EHC) plans for their SEND are not able to be accommodated in state schools.
It said: ‘Due to a state sector capacity being unable to meet rising demand, local authorities are spending more on costlier independent school placements for children with EHCs.’ . . .
It said councils spent £2 billion [$2.4B] in 2022-2023, a 46 per cent real terms rise from 2018-19, when it was £1.4 billion [$1.7B], due to an increase in pupils.
A recent National Audit Office report stated pupils with EHCs placed at private schools rose by 17,000 between 2018/19 and 2023/24.
