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(UK) Brockworth: New $13M special school approved; "much-needed places"

Mar 31, 2021, GloucestershireLive: New £9.75 million [$13M US] Gloucestershire school given the go-ahead

South Central England A special school has been given the go ahead and is set to open in Brockworth in 2022. Planning permission has been given the go ahead for the £9.75 million [$13M US] development. The setting is being developed for children aged 11 to 16 years old who have social, emotional and mental health needs…. The school will be used by children who have been travelling out of the county for their educational provision need. However, the school will also cater for young people who have autism, speech, language and communication needs. Chris Spencer, director of children’s services at Gloucestershire County Council, said: “I’m delighted that this new special school has been given the go ahead and we can start providing more of these much-needed places to help children and young people reach their full potential.”… It is estimated having the new school will save the council almost £2 million [$2.8] per year in placement and transport costs, and it will mean that these children can access the education they need closer to home. …


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