Sept 27, 2021, Argus and Telegraph: Bradford Council set to invest £6m ($8M U.S.) in Bingley Grammar expansion
Northern England
MORE than £6 million is expected to be invested into a Bradford district school to build new facilities for children with special educational needs.
Bradford Council is poised to pump £6.1m into Bingley GrammarSchool to boost its facilities for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and increase the overall capacity of the school.
A specialist provision for up to 24 SEND pupils and an additional 150 school places will be created if proposals are approved by the council’s Executive Committee members when it meets next week.
The popular Keighley Road school is heavily oversubscribed at the moment, with more parents wanting to send their children there than it has places for.
Expanding the school could mean fewer children and young people will be forced to travel outside of the Bradford district for their secondary education.
If rubber-stamped by council chiefs, the new SEND provision would also ease pressure on specialist facilities in other areas of the district….
“The new specialist SEND provision is a great opportunity to provide modern facilities for pupils with special educational needs in a well-established location.
"Specialist teaching and learning environments make a huge difference to pupils who need additional support.”…