Aug 8, 2024, Daily Mail: Record number of Brits are seeking help for autism - up 30,000 in just one year, NHS data show
A record number of Brits are seeking medical help for autism on the NHS, with nearly 200,000 currently awaiting an assessment, according to newly published data.
The figure represents a rise of 22 per cent since this time last year and is nine times higher than the number in 2019, which was 20,509.
The surge in demand has created a backlog that means nine out of 10 are waiting longer than the recommended 13 weeks, the NHS data show.
Two thirds of those waiting for assesments for the developmental disability are children, aged 17 and under.
The delays have been slammed by experts who call the system 'broken' and called for change or risk people missing out on 'early vital support'.
Mel Merritt, head of policy and campaigns at the National Autistic Society, said: 'Rocketing waiting lists mean people are waiting years for an autism assessment and missing out on early vital support. This broken system must change.'
The figures come after it was revealed in April that children across the UK are waiting up to four years for a diagnosis of autism.
Ms Merritt added: 'An autism assessment can be the first step to understanding people’s needs and although they shouldn’t be, people are often told they can’t get support without a diagnosis.
'Getting the NHS back on its feet means fixing the crisis in diagnosis waiting times. People across the country are depending on the Government to end this scandal.'
Having autism means a person's brain works differently to normal.
It's not a disease and people have it from the moment they are born, although it may not be spotted until childhood and sometimes much later.
This chart shows the percentage increase in incidence of autism diagnosis from 1998 to 2018. UK researchers found autism diagnoses had risen by an 'exponential' 787% over 20 years. They said the rise could be due to increased recognition of the condition among experts particularly in diagnosing autism among girls and adults, but added an increase in cases of autism itself cannot be ruled out.
