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(UK) Andover: Mom pleads for SPED place for son; schools are full

Jan 7, 2025, Andover Advertiser: Andover Mum pleads for special school place after son years

S. England

An Andover mother is fighting for her son to be sent to a special school in Hampshire despite a claim that there are no suitable places for the teenager.

Steffan Squire’s son George,13 has special education needs and attended the John Hanson School in Floral Way until June 2022. Mrs Squire who lives in Millway Road said: “George is very bright, but has special needs and needs to be in the correct educational setting to thrive.”

Steffan, 56, said she has spent years trying to find a school in the area: “I’ve looked at all the schools within a one-hour commute, but they’re all full for his age group or they say they can’t meet his needs, I’m tearing my hair out. . . .

"He’s depressed, he’s down and disillusioned and because he’s so bored, he’s angry and doesn’t see any reason to get up in the morning.”

Mrs Squire has been in contact with Hampshire County Council (HCC) over the past two years and has written to her MP, Kit Malthouse, in a bid to help her son.

“I understand the pressure HCC is under, they have tried to find a school place for George, but they’re all full. But at what point should schools be forced to take pupils who have been waiting so long? St Edward's School in Romsey is his nearest school. Why can’t a place be found for him there?”

St Edward’s is specialist day school in Romsey, which provides care and education for boys who experience social, emotional and mental health difficulties. . . .

 “While we do not comment on individual children, more generally, provision for children with SEN remains a significant challenge both locally and nationally. This is due to the growing number of children with increasingly complex needs and the shortage of suitable placements to meet these effectively. Securing the right provision against these challenges can be a complex and lengthy process which we recognise can be frustrating for children and parents.

“To address the exceptional demand for SEN provision in Hampshire, we are continuing to invest in new special schools and to expand specialist provision within mainstream schools across the county. This comes alongside an extensive transformation programme to manage these challenges while meeting the needs of children and young people with SEN.”

Mrs Squire said the lack of a clear plan means she will be forced to take the case to tribunal.

“St Edward’s School would provide the right care and education for George. He’s been at home now for over two years. Every day he spends at home is detrimental to his future. I have seen his self-esteem decline, his ability to concentrate and his interest in life. He is so despondent. Surely schools have a duty of care to offer places to children like George, who is so desperate for an education?”  




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