Oct 2, 2023, Press and Journal: Mum fighting for autism diagnosis as north-east seven-year-old refuses to leave house for NINE months Caleb ended up completely withdrawing from his family in October last year and refused to leave the house for nine months. https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/aberdeen-aberdeenshire/5962015/children-autism-aberdeenshire/
Something changed in little Caleb Davidson not long after he turned six.
His mum, Leanne Davidson, told us that he withdrew from the world “overnight” about a year ago.
The “totally changed” wee boy refused to step foot over the front door for nine months despite the best attempts of his despairing loved ones.
And his mum is still searching for answers one year on.
Leanne Davidson with Caleb said they need something to change. Image: Leanne DavidsonCaleb, who Leanne described as a very clever and curious young boy, ended up completely withdrawing from his family, often not even leaving his bedroom.
“It was just overnight,” the single mum-of-four said. “He just totally changed……
While Caleb would often get overwhelmed in social settings, Leanne said there were always coping methods that would help.
However, these stopped having any effect, and the family “need help now”….
Leanne having to pay £300 a month to organise school transport for her youngest child due to Caleb refusing to step near a school
‘Why did my boy change?’
Leanne said when Caleb was two-and-a-half, he was diagnosed with autism at the Peterhead Health Centre Child Development Unit.
But two years later, a different doctor took the diagnosis away.
“I’ve been fighting it ever since,” said the mum-of-four.
“There’s no doubt about it in my mind that my son is autistic. People who are in his life, they can all see it but they can’t open the doors to get me help.”…
“He’s always interacted in some way with his siblings and the family. To shut himself away where he doesn’t even want to engage with them is something that Caleb never did until October.”…
Caleb struggles to sleep until 4am to 6am in the morning, has nighttime seizures and refused to leave the house for any reason until he was eventually persuaded to in July this year.
His mum said he has not set foot in school for nearly a year.
Even when they had power cuts, Leanne’s mum had to pick up her other children to take them somewhere warmer while she stayed behind with Caleb.
She added: “The thing is the longer it’s getting left, the harder it’s going to be.
“I really struggle because he’s quite unpredictable. I can’t go into a proper sleep or anything because he might get upset….
After several referrals were refused, Caleb is now beginning to have appointments with NHS Grampian’s Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
When asked to comment on the delay, a spokeswoman for CAMHS said “more than 90% of children and young people” are seen within 18 weeks of referral….
She added: “We carefully assess the needs of every child and young person in our care to make sure we offer the support we feel will be most beneficial to them.”
“I’m just at a standstill,” she sighed.
“It’s just an impossible situation at the moment….
In the last few months, Caleb’s behaviour has changed, however.
He managed to leave the house at the end of July to go to park, and now will sometimes go to the library, soft play centre and play with siblings and friends from school.
While his moods and behaviour have improved after getting support from advocate in ADHD and autism coach Nicola Cargill-Smith from More Than Autism – he still has yet to step foot in or near a school.
This means his mum has to stay home with Caleb and is currently paying £300 a month to help get her youngest child to school.
What does the expert say?
Mrs Cargill-Smith, who has autism and ADHD herself, said there has been little movement in getting him in class….
“A lot of the supports in place that I would have hoped for by this point still aren’t.. And we’re still fighting hard….
Mrs Cargill-Smith said this is a situation that “happens more than it should”.
She encouraged anyone who may have similar issues to try and seek help directly from local charities and support services….
Rob Holland, director of the National Autistic Society Scotland. Mr Holland said: “We know that long waiting lists are forcing families to turn to private diagnosis which, more often than not, is very expensive.
“In addition, a private diagnosis is not always accepted by NHS services or schools – something which many people find out too late.”…