Oct 16, 2024, Leinster Express: 'Brick walls and closed doors' for Laois parents of special needs children, says councillor
Laois councillor shares shocking revelation on secondary school ASD units in Portlaoise
This is due to the news that there are 13 Portlaoise students with special needs starting their first year of secondary school next year, with only four places in ASD units available.
Cllr Mulligan recently tabled a motion that Laois County Counci l'acknowledge the acute shortage of enrolment places in Portlaoise Secondary Schools for children with special needs, and seek a meeting with the Minister of Education to address this urgent issue and alleviate these concerns".
This motion was supported by all councillors within the Portlaoise MD, with the intention of asking Laois TDs Sean Fleming, Charlie Flanagan and Brian Stanley to write a letter encouraging a meeting with the Minister.
"There are currently 13 children in Portlaoise with special needs who need places within units in secondary schools," said Cllr Mulligan.
"Mainstream isn't always an option for these children, some of them may never have fully integrated into a mainstream classroom before," he said. . . .
"Deciding what secondary school to attend is something very exciting for 12-13 year olds, but I know that many of these children won't have a choice in where they go this year.". . .
Presently, these are only two secondary schools in Portlaoise town that have places in ASD units available. There are two places in CBS, two places in Scoil Chríost Rí, with zero places available in Portlaoise College and Dunamase College.
"Realistically these four spaces might be non existent," argued Cllr Mulligan.
"There may be students in CBS or Scoil Chriost Rí that are in mainstream education, but may be referred to an autism unit in the school. . . .
"We have a chronic shortage of secondary school places for a cohort of students due to complete primary school at the end of this year. I suggest a meeting with Minister Education Norma Foley," Cllr Mulligan said.
"This is a huge stress and a constant worry. Some parents who have contacted me couldn't come today as they said it would be too emotive, and that they would get upset. They are absolutely heartbroken, and they are meeting brick walls and closed doors every where they come," he continued.
"I'm asking Laois County Council to acknowledge that this is a crisis situation and to try seek a meeting with the Minister for Education. Can we get clarity around the provisional places in September 2025, can we get clarity for parents around options available where post primary special classes are unavailable, because there are no options.
"I would ask that Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil councillors use their influence with TDs and Government ministers to address this urgent issue and alleviate these concerns," Cllr Mulligan finished.
This motion was seconded by Fine Gael councillor Catherine Fitzgerald.
"I fully support this motion, parents have already had to fight tooth and nail for their children, and thankfully this situation has improved in primary schools," said Cllr Fitzgerald.
