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(Ireland) Autistic 5-y-o refused by 32 schools

Sept 27, 2024, Irish Mirror: Mother fears autistic daughter will continue to self-harm after she's refused from 32 schools

Charlotte Cahill, from Firhouse, said five-year-old Cyra hasn’t been accepted into any school almost a month into term

A Dublin mother fears her autistic child will continue to self-harm as she’s been rejected from 32 schools.


Cyra will not cope in a mainstream school, so for her to be accepted into a special one Charlotte has been told her daughter needs an Assessment of Need. This is carried out by the HSE for children or young people with a disability. However, waitlists are extremely long.

Charlotte Cahill, from Firhouse, said five-year-old Cyra hasn’t been accepted into any school almost a month into term. The mother said her best hope is to get her child into school next September, but even that might be difficult.


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