Jan 21, 2025, Northants Telegraph: MP brings together Northamptonshire SEND community to find real solutions to a real crisis
E. Midlands
Lee Barron, the Member of Parliament for Corby and East Northamptonshire will this week (Thursday 23 January 2025) bring together leading voices in the Northamptonshire SEND community to find what he says are ‘real solutions to a real crisis.’
The MP has invited parents, advocates, education professionals spanning Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Post 16 providers, Post 18 employment, North Northamptonshire Council, Educational Psychologists, Occupational therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Charities and Teacher Education representatives to Corby for a special round table meeting.
“While the Government have invested a real-term increase in the education budget, including enhanced provisions for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), what we know is that we have a system designed to fail those children.” Lee Barron MP said.
“The influential Parliamentary Education Select Committee has launched a major new inquiry focused on finding solutions to the crisis in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision.”
