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Waco, TX: $2.5M Baylor autism clinic planned; 'tough to meet demand'

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Mar 15, 2021, Waco (TX) Tribune Herald: $2.5 million Baylor project adds autism treatment at speech, language clinic Construction that will create an 11,865-square-foot center for treating and researching autism in Baylor University’s Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic is set to begin soon. Last week, the Baylor Board of Regents approved the $2.5 million project, which will create an Autism Clinic, doubling the capacity to offer services to people with an autism spectrum disorder and adding a preschool serving 16 to 20 children each semester. … … Ever since the department was formed, the number of families seeking treatment has outweighed capacity, Bowden said. “We just didn’t have the physical space,” he said. “Still, it’s going to be tough to meet the demand, but we’re going to be able to increase our capacity quite a bit.”… The college began discussing the need for more clinic space about three years ago, he said. “It just gives us the ability to expand the number of children in our clinic, expands the ability to serve them, and serve them in ways we know can help them,” Bowden said. … “We’re really excited about it,” Loeb said. “To be able to have a positive impact on the lives of these individuals and their families, we’re very, very blessed to have this opportunity and thankful to our donors.”


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