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(UK) York: 'Autism hub' offers schooling and respite care; response to increasing demand

Oct 11, 2022, York Press: Launch of new 'autism hub' by York Inspirational Kids

N. England

A NEW hub, offering holiday clubs for children living with autism and their families, is set to launch in York.

Autistic youngsters in York have a new resource with the launch of All About Autism by York Inspirational Kids. The community interest company, dedicated to helping autistic children and their families, has set up the venture in response to increasing demand for its services.

The hub offers clubs for autistic youngsters from age four to 18-years-old, with a range of activities designed to help develop key social skills, including crafts and outdoor play. There’s also a sensory room….

Classes and activities are geared to different age groups and take place most evenings after school, as well as at weekends. There’s a maximum of 10 youngsters per group and activities take place year-round, with the exception of Christmas.

Support is also offered to parents, with drop-in sessions and training in a variety of autism-related areas, pre- and post-diagnosis.

“We’re working closely with the City of York Council, CAMHS and the health authority,” said Ruth. “The hub will provide sessions with specialists to help improve support to families and individual children," she added….

Ruth added: "The facility is very much needed. It gives the children a sense of belonging, an environment where they can be themselves and don’t have to conform to a neurotypical world, it’s their club and it’s for them to get out of it what they want….

York Inspirational Kids is launching its new autism hub in the city


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