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(UK) Wirral: Mom campaigns for mental health books for schools; 'waiting so long'

June 12, 2021, Wirral Globe: Wallasey mum campaigning to get mental health books in Wirral schools

NW England A mum from Wallasey Village has been campaigning to get mental health books into schools across Wirral to help support children’s social and emotional wellbeing. Helen Reynolds became an independent organiser with Usborne books to help schools and families support children with their mental health. Helen, who runs Turn the Page, is now campaigning to get the books into school libraries as well as books donated to children in need…. “The waiting list to get help is so long and it’s not good enough but we don’t have any other service available so I thought if schools could have six books that they could choose to keep in their library and then additional books to gift to vulnerable children it would help.” Helen is hoping to get sponsorship from local business across Wirral to help schools get access to the books. She said: “There’s children who will never be able to buy a new book at a book club and will always be left with second hand…. Helen, who is a mum of three, says the inspiration behind getting involved with Usborne books came from her nine-year-old son who has autism. She said: “My son has social and communication difficulties, sensory processing disorders, dyslexia, anxiety and is hypermobile. “He is currently in his third school and when my son was going through the journey of his diagnosis it was traumatic and stressful. “I think if we had these books, it would have helped us to understand things.” So far, Helen has managed to join forces with St Alban’s Primary School in Wallasey where they have selected books that deal with feelings and emotions such as why things die, puberty, mental health, and families….


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