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(UK) Wilmslow: Possible satellite special school site; 'there is significant need'

July 20, 2021, Knutsford Guardian: Congleton school applies for planning permission for Wilmslow site

NW England

A GROUP which runs a Congleton school for children with special educational needs has applied for planning permission to set up a satellite site in Wilmslow. The Esland Group is responsible for three schools in Congleton, Bedford and Grantham for children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs. It has applied to Cheshire East Council for permission to change the use of the nursery and offices at Summerfields Nursery And Education Centre on Dean Row for a private school. If permission is granted, this would be a satellite site for the Congleton school and take up to 50 pupils. In a letter submitted with the planning application Esland’s director of education, Simon Reynolds said: “The Esland Group provides bespoke education opportunities for children, aged eight to 18 years, with special educational needs. “The Wilmslow School will be a satellite school to our provision in Congleton. “The new site will enable us to better meet the needs of our SEN pupils…. He added: “There is a significant need for the provision of special education within Cheshire East and the surrounding local authorities and, by establishing an education provision at the Wilmslow site, we will be able to increase our offer of bespoke education to support vulnerable young people from local communities.”…


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