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(UK) Willesden: $1.7M raised for new special school; 'bursting at the seams'

July 5, 2021, Jewish Chronicle: Gesher raises £1.2 million [$1.7M U.S.] for its new school in 24 hours (London)

Special needs school needs to fund extensive renovation of Pinner site before next academic year Special needs primary school Gesher has almost reached its £1.2 million target from its “Big Build” fundraising campaign with 12 of the 36 hours to go. The money will be used to transform its new site into a state of the art school, extending its provision for primary age and opening a secondary section. Gesher currently educates 40 children with a range of needs including autism, ADHD, dyslexia and Down’s syndrome at its site in Willesden. In September, it moves to the former Moriah Primary site in Pinner. The new building requires extensive renovation over the summer to be ready for the start of the autumn term….. Gesher was founded in 2017 by Ali Durban and Sarah Sultman, both mothers of children with special needs, to plug a gap in the education system that they believe failed their children. “There is a severe shortage of specialist provision across the UK,” Ms Sultman said. “Bursting at the seams” at Willesden, Gesher had to relocate. “But there is a lot of work to do at the new school before we can move in.”…

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