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(UK) Weston special school "desperately in need of more space to cope with growing demand"

Jan 15, 2020, North Somerset Times: Overwhelming support for special school expansion A special school has received overwhelming support for its expansion ambitions, during a five-week consultation. Baytree School, in Weston, is desperately in need of more space to cope with the growing demand for children with special educational needs. Brookfield Walk, in Clevedon, has been identified as a possible location for a new school, however the site has proved controversial. North Somerset Council invited people to comment on the plans during a consultation in September last year. Of the 428 responses received, 96 per cent were in favour of creating the extra places and 90 per cent said they supported proposals to expand into a purpose-built school in a second site…. "These children desperately need - and are entitled to have - the same opportunities and resources to meet their needs that every other child in North Somerset enjoys." The majority of people against the plans said they were in favour of providing additional special needs school places, but wanted another location to be used…. If it is approved, the £13.5million [$18M US] school would be open by September 2021. Councillor Catherine Gibbons, North Somerset Council's executive member for children's services and lifelong learning, said: "We urgently need to increase the number of education places for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. …


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