June 23, 2021,South Wales Argus: Plans to expand Ebbw Vale special school move a step closer https://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/19393751.plans-expand-ebbw-vale-special-school-move-step-closer/
PLANS to expand an Ebbw Vale special school have moved a step closer as a second consultation has been given the green light, despite a request for more information by Estyn….
The council said there would be some internal remodelling of the existing school site, which includes the former Integrated Children’s Centre (ICC) and the Ebbw Fair Primary School staffroom and shared area….
The council would also develop a long-term plan to increase capacity to meet future demand….
A previous report on the proposal says: “Should nothing change, the local authority will be unable to meet the needs of all learners particularly those with profound and multiple learning difficulties within Blaenau Gwent.
“Therefore, they would need to be placed out of county at significant additional cost, outside of their community and with increased travel time.”
Currently the council has 20 additional learning needs pupils that are educated out of the local authority area, costing £896,000 [$1.3M U.S.]