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(UK) Warwickshire: Council shortens ASD dx time from 4 and a half yrs to 10 months

Sept 11, 2023, Warwickshire County: Warwickshire remains committed to supporting families with SEND

Central England

Continued improvements are being made in Warwickshire to enhance support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

That was the finding of the latest Department for Education and NHS England review meeting of SEND services in Warwickshire. During the meeting, inspectors acknowledged the continued efforts of Warwickshire County Council and Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board, who have been working together with a range of partners including Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice to make improvements to the SEND system.

The report noted that the local area has continued to make good progress and most actions outlined in the Written Statement of Action (which serves as the improvement plan following the local area SEND inspection in 2021) are progressing. Particularly good progress has been made with the SEND Local Offer and there is a steady reduction in waiting times for autism assessments.

Nevertheless, the report acknowledges that there is still more work to be done particularly in relation to effective communication with parents and carers. Whilst work has been undertaken in this area and strong foundations for coproduction with parents, carers and children and young people are in place, it still requires further attention and efforts to enhance engagement and support for families. Additionally, as the demand for services continues to rise, it is crucial to proactively manage this increase to ensure that the needs of the community are met.

Key updates from the latest review meeting with the Department for Education and NHS England in the summer are as follows:  

Area 1: Autism waiting times and support for families:    
Waiting times for a diagnostic autism assessment have reduced from 242 weeks [more than 4 and a half years] to an estimated 40 weeks [10 months], as of July 2023
Children, young people, young adults, and their families awaiting a diagnostic assessment or following diagnosis of autism can access a clear and coordinated pathway of support that meets their needs.


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