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(UK) 'Unacceptable waiting times for autism assessments in Northern Ireland'

Aug 8, 2024, Derry Now: Councillors back call to write to Minister over 'unacceptable' autism assessment waiting times

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has supported a motion from Derry City and Strabane District Council to write to the Minister of Education and the Minister for Health regarding 'unacceptable' waiting times for autism assessments in the North of Ireland.

The Mayor of Derry, Cllr Lillian Seenoi-Barr, called for the support of all councils across Northern Ireland to support formal writing to the ministers to develop a detailed report on the business case and action plan to tackle this problem and to immediately address and resolve the existing backlog. When she noticed that Mayor Barr had not yet received a response to her request for support, SDLP councillor Ashleen Schenning made the motion to support the proposal.

Cllr Schenning’s motion to support the motion to write to the Education and Health ministers to urgently develop and present a comprehensive business case outlining specific, actionable strategies to address and resolve this backlog, including a detailed analysis of its impacts, clear reduction targets, proposed measures for ongoing assessments, and the necessary financial and staffing resources.

DUP Alderman Mark Fielding said: “I totally support the fact that it is unacceptable waiting times for autism assessments in Northern Ireland.”


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