Sept 15, 2021, BBC: Ulster University plans to help run new Coleraine secondary school
Ulster University (UU) is set to help run a new integrated post-primary school for about 1,200 pupils in Coleraine, County Londonderry. If the plan is approved the new school would be sited on the university's Coleraine campus. It would also be the first school of its kind in Northern Ireland. The school would be created by the merger of Coleraine College, Dunluce School and North Coast Integrated College. The Education Authority (EA) has begun a consultation on the proposals. They are backed by the schools' boards of governors, Ulster University, the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) and the Controlled Schools' Support Council (CSSC)…. Partnership with the university would provide educational benefits for pupils and increased opportunities for training for staff, the EA said.
'Autism specific and learning support classes'
Prospective teachers at the university's School of Education in Coleraine would be able to train on site.
The aim would also be to encourage more pupils to progress to higher and further education in the Coleraine and Causeway area.
There would also be "autism specific and learning support classes" in the new school.
"The increase in the number of children with autism or asperger's in compulsory grant-aided education within the Northern Health and Social Care Trust area is significant," the EA proposal said.
"In 2008/09, 509 children with a diagnosis were enrolled in schools.
"This number has now increased by almost 446% to 2,779 children and young people in 2018/19."…
