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(UK)Thousands of students with social/emotional/mental health needs expelled from school

Jan 21, 2020, Children and Young People Now: THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN WITH SEND 'NOT ENROLLED IN SCHOOL' The inspectorate's annual report states that 3,500 children were still waiting for a place at the setting specified in their education, health and care plan (EHC) on 31 March 2019. Of these, 2,700 were not registered in an alternative school or provision, the report adds. Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman branded these figures “concerning” and noted the number of children subject to an EHC plan has increased by 47 per cent over the last four years, rising from 240,000 in January 2015 to 354,000 in January 2019. In the same month, there were more than 1.3 million school-age pupils with SEND, 15 per cent of all pupils on roll in schools. Of these, just over one million pupils were receiving SEN support and 270,000 pupils had an EHC plan. • Commissioning: Rethinking SEND support The report also raised concerns over the number of children with SEND excluded, temporarily or permanently, from state-funded primary or secondary schools. Pupils with SEND accounted for more than 178,000 (43 per cent) of fixed-term and nearly 3,600 (45 per cent) of permanent exclusions in 2017/18. “The primary need for just over half of pupils with SEND at the time of exclusion was recorded as social, emotional and mental health, despite this being only the third most prevalent primary need,” the report states. More than 5,500 pupils with SEND left their school between years 10 and 11, the inspectorate says, adding “some of them may have been off-rolled”…. Responding to the report, Jolanta Lasota, chief executive of Ambitious about Autism, said: “Pupils with special educational needs, including autism, are much more likely to be permanently excluded from school and teachers also admit that these vulnerable young people are more likely to be affected by off-rolling. … “It’s clear that problems for special educational needs pupils are getting worse, not better, and we need decisive action to reverse this trend. This includes funding that ensures all children’s needs can be met and better autism training for all school staff to support these pupils. …
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