May 10, 2023, Sunderland Echo: Sunderland shopping centre aims to make life easier for autistic children and others with sound sensitivities
N. England
Children who suffer from being sensitive to sound are getting a helping hand from shopping centre bosses.
For children with conditions such as ADHD and autism, a trip to the shops can result in sensory overload and be an overwhelming and often distressing experience.
To help, The Bridges shopping centre in Sunderland has created special sensory bags – filled with carefully chosen items designed to distract and calm them.
Noises can be blocked out entirely with a set of headmuffs, while coloured wristbands, bean bags and relaxation aids provide a safe and suitable focus for youngsters.
And it is hoped that by helping sensitive youngsters feel more comfortable during their visit, the bags will also make a trip to The Bridges easier for their parents….
The bags can be rented from the customer service desk for £10 [$13], which is refunded on their return and each bag and its contents is thoroughly cleaned between use.
