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(UK) Sunderland: New autism school planned; 'There is increasing demand'

Dec 22, 2019, Newcastle upon Tyne Chronicle: New £6.3m [$8M US] Sunderland specialist autism school vows to provide 'the very best education' A new multi-million pound school is set to provide specialist education and support for children with autism in Sunderland. The new facility, which will be called The Harry Watts Academy, is expected to cater for 100 pupils by 2022. It's being overseen by the Prosper Learning Trust, which runs two alternative provision academies in Newcastle and this year took over management of Thomas Bewick School, a special school for children with an autism diagnosis in Newcastle…. Sunderland City Council's cabinet member for Children, Learning and Skills, Councillor Louise Farthing, said: "Demand for school places for children with autism has been rising. These are children with complex, social, behavioural and emotional needs. As there is increasing demand for specialist school places, it is right and correct that they are met locally….


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