Nov 27, 2022, Somerset County Gazette: Sensory room opened at North Town Primary School in 2011
SW England
A SENSORY room which cost up to £10,000 through massive fundraising efforts by a Taunton school was officially opened by the local MP Jeremy Browne in November 2011.
Mr Browne attended the official opening of the new relaxation room at North Town Primary School alongside other special guests who helped raise the cash.
Mr Browne said: “This room has been developed to help not only children with autism, but also children who might find school stressful, and is aimed at their well-being.
“It’s obvious that children who are contented at school will perform better, and having such a special facility at North Town is a great asset. The room projects a sense of calm and is cleverly designed to help children relax….
“One parent had written to David Beckham about two years ago and he donated £1,000 to the project. It has been about two years in the making since we needed to raise the money. It has cost close to £10,000 [$12,000] altogether.”
