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(UK) Shefford: New $16M special school 'fantastically exciting'; deficit is forecast

Sept 13, 2022, Bedfordshire Live: New £14.1million [$16.3M] "fantastically exciting" Shefford school to replace Campton Academy
The school would expand to 60 pupils per year group to meet CBC’s statutory duty to provide sufficient places

A “fantastically exciting” £14.1m new school in Shefford is set to replace nearby Campton Academy, which will relocate there. The proposals are part of Central Bedfordshire Council’s (CBC) Schools for the Future programme, switching from a three-tier to two-tier education system.

The school would expand to 60 pupils per year group to meet CBC’s statutory duty to provide sufficient places, according to a report to its children’s services overview and scrutiny committee. Campton Academy principal Sarah Fraher said: “Our current site has many challenges for us. It impacts on what we can offer our pupils and our local community…. “Many benefits will be gained by moving to a new site. We’re supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who need quiet, calm space.

“It would enable us to have designated rooms for SEND support. The outside space will allow us to develop our PE activities and provide forest school opportunities. We can also extend the age range, so parents can enrol their child for nursery provision.”…

“The school is popular. We’re forecast to have a deficit by 2025, so these extra places will be available ahead of that.” …


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