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(UK)Scotland: 32% of students now SPED; schools see 'rationing' of resources

Dec 15, 2020,Glasgow Times: Call for more resources in additional support education as pupil numbers rise THE Scottish Government has been urged to increase funding for children with additional support needs (ASN) as the number of pupils has again increased. Official statistics show the number of ASN pupils increased from 215,897 to 226,838 between 2019 and 2020, a jump of 1.4%. The proportion of ASN pupils among the student population has also increased to 32.3% from 30.9%. A review released earlier this year into ASN education by Professor Angela Morgan repeatedly referenced the “rationing” of resources in the sector, adding “there has been a strength of concern expressed to the review about the loss of specialist expertise and practice experience through reductions and changes in career pathways as well as due to resource pressures”. According to a report published alongside the statistics, there has been a “marked” increase in the number of ASN pupils since 2010, which can be attributed “in part to continued improvements in recording”. Scottish Government statistics from 2012, the earliest such figures available, show the number of ASN pupils has almost doubled from 118,034 – a 92.2% increase. In light of the figures, the Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC) has pushed the Scottish Government to increase its funding for ASN pupils. A spokesman for the group said: “While it is promising that this increase tells us that more young people with ASN are being identified, it is against a worrying background of damaging cuts to services…. “However, we have major concerns over a lack of resources and specialist staff to support these children and young people. This clearly has an impact not only on the individuals concerned but also on their peers and teachers.


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