July 18, 2019, BBC News: Schools 'desperately need' cash injection, MPs say https://www.bbc.com/news/education-49031445 Schools and colleges in England need a "multi-billion cash injection" and a long-term approach to funding, say MPs on the Education Select Committee. Its report on school funding confirms the concerns of head teachers and teachers' unions who have protested about worsening budget shortages. The committee found that schools and colleges "desperately need" extra cash…. A Department for Education spokeswoman accepted that schools were facing "budgeting challenges". MPs say funding "has not kept pace" and the government needs to put in more cash. "The government needs to cover the 8% funding gap currently faced by schools," says Mr Halfon, with the report saying this would require a "£3.8bn uplift"…. The MPs say funding for this age group, in sixth forms and colleges, needs a £1bn boost, and the pupil premium, which gives extra support for disadvantaged youngsters, should be extended to 16- to 19-year-olds. The committee's report also calls for extra support for pupils with special needs and disabilities, to tackle a "projected £1.2bn [$1.5B U.S.] deficit". … A spokeswoman for the Department for Education said: "While it is accurate to say that school funding is at its highest level, we do recognise that there are budgeting challenges. "We are glad to see that school and further education funding is being highlighted as an important issue ahead of the next spending review, where the education secretary will back the sector to have the resources they need."
Childhood Lost
Children today are noticeably different from previous generations, and the proof is in the news coverage we see every day. This site shows you what’s happening in schools around the world. Children are increasingly disabled and chronically ill, and the education system has to accommodate them. Things we've long associated with autism, like sensory issues, repetitive behaviors, anxiety and lack of social skills, are now problems affecting mainstream students. Blame is predictably placed on bad parenting (otherwise known as trauma from home).
Addressing mental health needs is as important as academics for modern educators. This is an unrecognized disaster. The stories here are about children who can’t learn or behave like children have always been expected to. What childhood has become is a chilling portent for the future of mankind.
Loss of Brain Trust features over 9,000 news stories published worldwide since January, 2017