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(UK) Salford: No school for autistic boy for 2 mo.s; $1,400 compensation

Sept 8, 2023, Manchester Evening News: Mum of boy with autism gets £1k from council and an apology

NW England

The mum of a boy with autism and an anxiety disorder has received an apology and £1,100 [$1,400] in compensation from Salford council. The town hall failed to provide alternative provision for his education while he stayed at home for eight weeks.

A report by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman revealed the case. Councils have a legal duty to make arrangements for the ‘suitable education’ of children who, because of illness or other reasons, cannot go to school.

‘Miss X’ complained that her son ‘Y’ missed out on his education between January and March 2022, a period of eight weeks, taking into account the half-term break.

In January 2021, the council issued Y’s education, health care plan (EHCP) in line with an education tribunal order. Named in Y’s EHCP was School A, which Y was registered in the same month.

From that time to September 2021, discussions were held between Miss X and the council about provision.

The council secured and arranged the provision as set out in Y’s EHCP. The report said: “It is noted that it was accepted by all parties that the transition to school attendance would be a lengthy process for Y.”

It said that from September 2021 to December 2021, ‘collaborative conversations’ were held between Miss X and the council for reasonable adjustments to provision to support Y to access learning….

Prior to December 2021, Y attended introductory sessions via a mentoring programme offering emotional support and guidance for children. In December 2021, the council discussed with School A about funding two hours per week via the school placement funding provided by it.

In January 2022, Miss X wrote to the council saying that whilst the mentoring sessions were progressing well, she was unhappy with a lack of sufficient alternative provision in place whilst Y was capable of more and not attending School A.

The report went on: “During the period from January 2022 to March 2022, Y was not attending School A, and the only evidence I have seen of education/alternative provision is that provided by the mentoring programme that Y attended….

The report concluded: “The council will also explain what it will do to prevent similar occurrences detailed in this complaint.

“The Ombudsman would like to see evidence of service improvement which specifically addresses occurrences where children are without sufficient educational provision.”…


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