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(UK) S. Gloucestershire: New $23M special school planned; 'We are proud/delighted'

Mar 8, 2021, Gazette Series: Progress made in plans for new special school on Marlwood site A consultation has been launched over plans for a new special school on part of the Marlwood School site…. Two Bridges Academy will have 112 places for pupils aged two to 19 with Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD). … South Gloucestershire Council has committed £16.7million [$23M U.S.] investment into Marlwood School and Castle School, which includes a brand new sixth form built at the Castle School site on Park Road. Councillors Matthew Riddle and Keith Burchell, who represent the Severn Vale Ward including Alveston, said: “We are delighted that this long-awaited consultation has now begun and are keen for local residents to make sure their voices are heard and support the fantastic proposals for Two Bridges. "Increasing SEND provision has been a major focus for local Conservatives, and by delivering brand new school places at Two Bridges, it will help to reduce the costly financial impact of transporting children with SEND out of area to receive an education and help keep these vulnerable young people closer to home in a fantastic learning environment.”… Cllr Erica Williams, cabinet member for education, skills and employment, said: “The Conservative Administration’s number one priority is to improve school standards and it is fantastic we are creating a brand-new learning environment that also supports our Climate Emergency goals. "We are proud to be delivering this special school in Alveston and continue our work to provide more SEND places across the district to provide specialist support to children and young people with a range of learning difficulties.”… Also welcoming the latest step to deliver the new school, Thornbury and Yate MP Luke Hall said: “Delivering a new special school at Marlwood and improving special needs provision is a key part of my Positive Plan for schools and family life. "Having campaigned for this new school and raised this issue with ministers at the heart of Government, I am pleased that this consultation is now under way.”


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