Aug 13, 2023, Plymouth Live: Three Plymouth schools getting £2M [$2.5M] for new SEN classrooms
Plymouth City Council is investing more than £2 million [$2.5M] into new classrooms at two special schools
Three Plymouth schools are set to receive £2M worth of funding for new classrooms specifically for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Plymouth City Council is investing millions into brand new classrooms at two special schools, while also replacing a dilapidated Foundation classroom at a mainstream primary school.
Cann Bridge School is set to receive two classrooms to accommodate 16 extra pupils, while Mill Ford School will receive three bespoke teaching spaces so they can continue to support children that have been learning at a satellite location.
This has been funded by a dedicated grant for capital development of high needs places from the Department for Education. The Foundation class room at College Road Primary School, that is currently in poor condition, will also be replaced.
The aim is for all the new classrooms to be in place by spring 2024, following a decision signed today awarding the contract for the works.
Cllr Sally Cresswell, cabinet member for education, skills and apprenticeships, said: “There is increasing demand for SEND school places in Plymouth so these new class rooms are absolutely vital, enabling us to open up additional places for …children and young people who need more support than is available at mainstream schools.
