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(UK) 'Outstanding' Solihull autism school drops to 'inadequate'; school 'declined markedly'

June 25, 2020, Birmingham Live: An outstanding school in Solihull has been slammed by Ofsted after dramatic fall in standards An 'outstanding' Solihull school has been savaged by Ofsted for a dramatic slump in standards. The education watchdog had given the highest possible rating to Springfield House, near Knowle, during its last full inspection eight years ago. But in its latest report, published this month, it was revealed that the special school on Kenilworth Road had slumped to "inadequate" - the lowest of the four grades available. Ofsted said there was a lack of experienced staff, some written risk assessments lacked detail and some record-keeping was "disorganised."… Ofsted's findings, which follow a visit just before lockdown, said: "The quality of education in the school has declined markedly since the last inspection…. "School leaders have not responded effectively to this. Staff shortages and very low staff morale are affecting the school’s capacity to provide an acceptable standard of education. "Those responsible for the school should take immediate action to strengthen leadership and staff capacity, including thorough training in subject knowledge and behaviour management so that pupils are taught effectively and well."… Springfield House supports pupils aged four to 11 and had 98 children on the school roll at the time of the inspection…. While based in rural Solihull, it actually falls under the remit of neighbouring Birmingham City Council and supports youngsters who demonstrate "challenging behaviour" as a result of conditions such as autism and ADHD.


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