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(UK) Norwich: New building to expand SPED

Jan 14, 2025, Norwich Evening News: Sprowston school applies for new specialist needs building

E. England

Sprowston Junior School, in Recreation Ground Road, applied to construct a new building to enable it to increase its number of students by 16 - from its current capacity of 199.

In the planning statement, submitted by agents Paul Robinson Partnership, it says the Norfolk County Council Children's Services have "identified the need to enhance learning opportunities" at the school.

It added: "The proposed development is essential to meet the increasing demand for specialist education in the region. . . .

"There will be a new standalone Specialist Resource Base (SRB), in the form of a 16-place specialist hub to serve pupils".

The application is part of the Norfolk Area Special Educational Needs and/or Disability and Alternative Provision Strategy (NASAPS) for 2024-2029.

Five different areas of need will be supported, such as those who have difficulties with autism, learning and cognition, social and mental health, speech and communications needs and deaf pupils.

The new site will use an existing building, occupied by the school, which will be demolished and offer somewhere to specialist needs pupils on the outskirts of Norwich and "additional employment opportunities". . . .

Norwich City Council is due to make a decision on January 30. 


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