Nov 2, 2023, BBC News: Boy misses school term due to Northamptonshire SEND transport
The mother of a 12-year-old boy says he has missed 40 days of school because a council cancelled his transport.
North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) had arranged for a taxi to take to 12-year-old Lucas to school due to his special educational needs (SEND).
But his mother Michelle was told to reapply after the taxi failed to turn up for the September term start.
NNC said everyone is required to "reapply for transport on transfer between primary and secondary school."
Lucas, who was diagnosed with ADHD and possibly high functioning autism, was given a specified school that was miles from home.
The school has not changed despite his move from Year 6 to Year 7….
Michelle said she has had to set up transport for him which she described as "an absolute nightmare."
"His first year at his new school he didn't make it there for the first half term and it was while they were sorting the taxis out," she said.
"We were warned that could happen."
Michelle who does not drive has had to rely on the taxi service to take her son Lucas to school.
"I emailed the transport team saying what's going on and they said the taxi contract has been cancelled," she said…..
"I am furious, if I had anyway to get him to school I would have done, I don't drive," Michelle added.
Michelle said Lucas has been missing out on the social interaction he needs
Conservative NNC councillor Matt Binley said: "This is common across all local authorities and is made clear on the council's Home to School Transport web pages.
"Unfortunately, applications received after the beginning of term may be delayed as routes will need to be adapted to accommodate additional pupils.