May 23, 2021, Eastern Daily Press: £345,000 boost for keyworkers to support children with complex needs
(E. England)
Funding worth £345,000 [$488K US] has been awarded to give children and young people in Norfolk and Waveney with complex needs access to designated keyworkers and reduce the risk of a hospital admission.
The Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership has been awarded the money from NHS England and Improvements to support with a learning disability, autism or both, who are at risk of admission to a specialist hospital.
The region has been made an early adopter site under the NHS Long Term Plan which pledges by 2023/2024 children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both have a designated keyworker.
The £345,000 will pay for five keyworkers, known as transforming care navigators, in the region to help young people and their families through education, social care and health systems…
A spokesman for Family Voice Norfolk said: “We welcome anything that helps parent carers, children and young people to navigate often complicated systems of care and support….