Jan 27, 2023, Eastern Daily Press: New Norfolk school site to cost lot of money says councillor https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/23282262.new-norfolk-school-site-cost-lot-money-says-councillor/
E. England
The construction of a fourth new school for children with special educational needs is going to require spending "a lot of money" because of difficulties over securing the site, a leading councillor has warned.
Norfolk County Council has built three new schools for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) since agreeing to borrow £120m [$149] in 2018/19 - but finding a site for a fourth school has proved difficult.
Newly-built schools in Easton, Fakenham and Great Yarmouth have helped to counter a shortage in spaces for SEND children, but the council's hopes of getting a fourth school up and running have been hampered….
Mr Fisher said: "We are now desperately seeking and trying to find a fourth site and a fifth site….
"At the March cabinet, there's two issues coming up at that, which will actually identify we have got to spend a lot of money on a site for our fourth or fifth special school.
"We can't just say we've got £120m, we're going to build four schools and in 18 months' time there's four schools built."
The county council said it had a new six-year Local First Inclusion programme to improve educational support for SEND children and an important part of that programme was to build two more special schools….
One of the new schools - The Bridge Easton School - has just opened and welcomed its first 50 children.or children with special educational needs has opened at Easton
The 170-capacity school, run by Bridge MAT, is for young people aged four to 19, with learning and cognition needs and/or autism….