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(UK) NI: 400 disabled students still on waitlist for fall places

July 6, 2023, BBC News: NI Education: Almost 400 children with special needs waiting on school place

About 390 children with special educational needs (SEN) in Northern Ireland are still waiting for a suitable school place for September.

That is according to the most recent figures from the Education Authority (EA).

But it also said that more than 5,000 children with a statement for SEN had a confirmed pre-school or school place….

"We absolutely recognise that this is an extremely anxious time for those parents/carers and children waiting for the confirmation of a school place," it said….

"In areas of high demand, nursery children have been placed in a range of settings including specialist provisions in mainstream schools, satellite settings aligned with special schools and, in some cases, parents have opted for mainstream nursery settings with support," the Education Authority said.

The authority had warned in May of significant pressures on school places for children with special education needs for 2023/24.

Despite the progress that the authority has made in finding school places for many children with SEN, there are hundreds of families still uncertain about a suitable school place for their child even though the summer holidays have begun….


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