Jan 20, 2024, Chronicle Live: Northumberland County Council faces more calls to improve special education provision in west of county There was a warning that the area's main special needs school is currently full https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/west-northumberland-send-education-provision-28465047
NE England
Calls have been made to increase special needs provision in west Northumberland amid warnings that the area's special education school is full.
Coun Derek Kennedy, whose son attends the Priory School in Hexham, urged the deputy leader of Northumberland County Council Richard Wearmouth to take action at a meeting of the Tynedale Local Area Committee on Tuesday. Members were discussing the upcoming council budget for 2024/25.
It comes amid rising numbers of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) children in the county, with the number of pupils requiring an education and healthcare plan increasing by 100.6% in just six years. The rise has put huge pressure on both SEND and mainstream schools.
The lack of provision in Prudhoe itself, coupled with a lack of space at the Priory School, has seen the youngster forced to travel to Morpeth and Cramlington for school.
Addressing Coun Wearmouth, Coun Scott said: "You have mentioned how important it is that children's needs should be met in their own communities. How is this budget going to benefit children in Prudhoe that have to travel across county?"
Coun Wearmouth said that the questions would be best directed at the council's cabinet member for education, Coun Guy Renner-Thompson, at the all-member budget scrutiny meeting at the end of the month. He added that he would make Coun Renner-Thompson aware of the issues raised so that answers could be prepared.