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(UK) Middlesborough: $39K/week to transport SPED students

July 11, 2022, Express: Council slammed for paying for an 89-mile taxi journey to school

NE England

A COUNCIL has divided opinion for paying for a child's taxi ride to school - which happens to be a whopping 89-mile journey.

Middlesbrough Council, which Labour lost a few years ago, pays for 458 children to be driven to school, journeys which cost the authority a staggering £32,901 [$39,000]per week. A freedom of information request (FOI) shows one of these journeys is an 89-mile trip for a child with specialist needs, which cannot be met in the immediate area in Teesside….

Cllr Barrie Cooper, the executive member for the environment and MICA member, said: "The children predominantly have an education health and care plan and attend their named setting or students who have a special educational need or who are classed as vulnerable.

"Many of the students have a complex medical need and attend a specialist setting.

"Middlesbrough Council like other local authorities across the country are statutorily required to provide travel assistance to eligible students and to safeguard those who are vulnerable." Children are assessed against a range of factors including their mobility, vulnerability and safety….

Since the review of the council transport policy in 2017, the number of children receiving some form of transport assistance has increased from 650 to 1100.

There is concern that this figure could rise by a further 300 by September 2022.

Transport assistance could include a bus pass, travel training, fare refunds or mini-bus/taxi pick-up.

Cllr Cooper said: "We supply the service because it’s the right thing to do for our vulnerable children and because we have a legal obligation to meet.

"We look to provide the best service for the children’s needs, while at the same time, for the least expensive suitable option."

Since September 2021, there have been 179 taxis, 81 minibuses, and seven coaches contracted to provide transport for students.
There are currently, 146 taxis, 64 minibuses and seven coaches in use.
There are 87 contracts in place to take children to school outside of Middlesbrough, which cost £15,633 per week.
The shortest journey is 12 miles and the longest is 89 miles.


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