Dec 22, 2019, Exmouth Journal: Planning approval for new school building at Marpool Under delegated powers, district council planning officers gave the green light for the construction of a school building for children with social, emotional and health needs on the grounds of Marpool Primary School. Now approval has been secured, the school will look into funding sources for the project. It is hoped construction could begin 'as soon as possible'. Rachel Pattison, headteacher of Marpool Primary School, said: "We are extremely pleased that we have been granted planning permission. "We are currently supporting a number of children with social, emotional and health needs and the new build will provide the much needed space and facilities to offer them the best education we can…. The new building is set to cater for eight additional pupils 'in the first instance' with six teachers supporting them. Speaking at a town council planning meeting in September, Mrs Pattison said children with complex needs in the Exmouth community are being 'shipped out' of the town at a cost to the taxpayer…. Mrs Pattison said the school will attempt to keep disruption to a minimum and will 'work closely' with neighbours.
