Jan 9, 2023, Maidenhead Advertiser: Council consults on new facilities for children with special educational needs
Near London
The Royal Borough is consulting on plans to open new facilities for children with special educational needs.
The consultation is open until Friday, February 24 on the facilities which will allow more children with special needs to attend a school in the area.
The council is seeking feedback on plans to create an Early Years School Readiness Hub at The Lawns Nursery School in Windsor to create up to four more Resources Bases attached to mainstream schools in Maidenhead and Windsor.
The funding for the proposals comes from a Government grant.
The Hub will provide short-term early intervention support for youngsters aged four to seven who are not ‘school ready’ yet because of difficulties in regulating their emotions and behaviour….
The Hub, which is the first of its kind in the borough will give children the chance to benefit from early specialist support, so they are able to successfully continue their education at their ‘home’ school.
The council is also consulting on plans to create up to four new Resource Bases attached to mainstream schools.
These are for youngsters who have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), but with support can attend a mainstream school.
Children coming to a Resource Base are taught in line with their individual needs, ability and the requirements set out in their EHCP.
They will spend some of their school day in the Base and some of it in the school’s mainstream classes.
Youngsters in a Resource Base will be of the same age range as the school, excluding nursery. Potentially, therefore these proposed plans will benefit children aged five to 16 plus.
Eight Bases are already open or are scheduled to open in the borough and the council has been working with schools to identify where more Bases could go.
In partnership with these schools, the council is consulting on the options of: Cox Green School, Desborough College in Maidenhead, Hilltop First School and Trevelyan Middle School in Windsor….