Nov 10, 2022, Luton Today: Special education school in Luton to expand into The Leagrave Centre--The expansion will cost £6.5m [$7.6M]
Near London
A special education school in Luton is set to expand into The Leagrave Centre at a cost of £6.5m [$7.6M].
A small hydrotherapy pool, trampoline room, 16 class bases, specialist rooms and external play areas are included in the scheme, which creates up to 110 new places along with nursery provision.
Lady Zia Wernher School’s use of the centre in Strangers Way “will ensure the local authority can meet its statutory duty to secure enough school places”, according to a report to the borough council’s executive….
“Despite a significant increase in special school places, pupil projections indicate a future significant shortfall in capacity in the primary special school sector.
“The projections relate to children with severe learning difficulties and those with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD), who cannot be accommodated in resourced provision attached to mainstream schools.
“The Leagrave Centre can be developed to provide high quality special school education provision to meet the complex needs of these pupils,” it added….

The Leagrave Centre