Sept 23, 2022, Lowestoft Journal: Inspectors find 'very high' use of physical restraint at SEND school
S.E. England
Inspectors have slammed a Lowestoft school after finding a "very high use of physical restraint".
Warren School, on Clarkes Lane, Oulton Broad, was rated inadequate following its latest Ofsted inspection.
Many of the 124 pupils at the school, which is part of the Believe Engage Succeed Trust (BEST) have severe or profound learning difficulties, as well as a high proportion of pupils with autism.
Headteacher Neil Hutchinson said: "As a school, we share the disappointment that our parent body feel when reading the recently published Ofsted report.
"When a school is inspected, it provides an opportunity for reflection and reaction.
"While we accept the findings of the report in full, we are not complacent and were already taking positive steps to improve the school and address the concerns raised in this and the previous report. …
The inspectors noted a "very high use of physical restraint for pupils with some of the most complex needs".
They added: "This does not create a safe and calm learning environment for pupils and staff."…
"This results in some pupils exhibiting aggressive or violent behaviours towards themselves, other pupils, or, more often than not, the staff."
The report adds pupils are "not well prepared for adulthood when they leave school," and that trustees, governors and leaders have been too slow to take action….
"Chronic staffing turbulence and absence persist," the report notes, with pupils sent home when staffing levels fall too low.
Inspectors noted some pupils, especially when already on their way to the school, "become very distressed by these sudden changes in their day"….
The school will now be inspected again within 30 months of the last Ofsted visit.

Warren School, in Oulton Broad, has been rated inadequate- Credit: Nick Butcher