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(UK) Lancashire: Special school opens; $58K tuition/year

Sept 25, 2023, Lancashire Telegraph: New £48,000 [$58K] a year Grow Special School to open in Barrowford

N. England

A new £40,000 a year private special school for just 12 children has been told it is likely to meet school standards when it opens by inspectors.

Ofsted carried out a pre-registration inspection at Grow Independent School, based at Lower Clough Business Centre in Pendle Street, Barrowford, in August….

“Leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to learn during their time at the school,” the report said.

“Leaders’ curriculum design considers the specific and individual needs of pupils, all of whom will be pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)….

“Where appropriate, pupils will complete a range of suitable qualifications, for example GCSEs.”

The report adds that safeguarding policies are in place and suitable training for staff will take place….

Grow Independent School will be part of Grow Schools Limited, with Sarah Hawthorne as headteacher.

Annual fees for the school are between £38,000 [$46K]and £48,000 [$58K], with the school to have 12 students aged 11 to 16, and four full-time and four part-time teaching staff, plus three pastoral staff.


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